I am an architectural and building historian and am interested in theoretical and applied questions about the development of architecture. In my dissertation I am working on the planning-ethical conditions of modern architectural production within totalitarian regimes, the influence of legal norms and institutional network clusters.
In my diploma thesis, I focussed on the development of medieval and early modern castles in the Vienna Basin. At IMAREAL, I am now working as an architectural historian in the INVENTARIA project, which is dedicated to the inventory of castles as a social practice. My task is to collect data on the historical spatial structures of selected castles in Tyrol from historical inventories, specialist literature and building surveys and to prepare them for modelling and visualisation.
since 2019 Doctoral studies at the University of Innsbruck
2012 Diploma examination in architectural history (diploma thesis on the type of lowland castles in the Vienna Basin, using the example of the building research on Leopoldsdorf Castle near Vienna 2007/08)
2008 – 2012 Study of Romance Studies/Italian (B 648) at the University of Graz
2005 – 2006 Studied building archaeology, architecture and art history at the Università degli Studi di Siena, and Italian at the Università per Stranieri di Siena
2005 – 2010 Co-lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture at the Graz University of Technology
2003 – 2012 Studied Art History (B 315) and History (B 312, until 2009) at the University of Graz
Currently research assistant in the FWF research project Inventaria at the The Institute for Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture (University of Salzburg)
2018 – 2022 Research assistant in the research project The Appropriation Strategies of Italy in South Tyrol and Trentino after the First World War at the Institute for Architectural Theory and Building History/AB Building History and Monument Conservation at the University of Innsbruck
2017 – 2018 Deputy professor at the Institute for Urban and Architectural History at the Graz University of Technology in the fields of architectural history, building research and monument preservation
2014 – 2016 Research assistant in the research project Renaissance Architecture – A Digital Anthology of Heinrich von Geymüller at the Institute of Art History at the University of Graz
2012 – 2018 University assistant at the Institutes for Urban and Architectural History and for Structural Design at the Graz University of Technology
2012 – 2013 Research assistant in the research project Discourses on Architecture in post-war Styria at the Ludwig Bolzmann Institute Graz: Between Restoration and New Beginnings: Knittelfeld 1945-55
2012 – 2013 Research assistant in the research project Late Baroque in Styria of the Styrian Historical Commission
2012 – 2014 Research management for the Styrian Art History Research Centre
2011 – 2014 Collaboration on conservation reports of the Federal Monuments Office (Department for Styria), as well as on the new edition of the Dehio Styria (Department for Inventory and Monument Research in Vienna [temporarily discontinued in 2013])
2005 / 2007 – 08 Building research for the office Denkmal Consulting GmbH in Graz
2023 Member of the Periodic Reporting of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage of the City of Graz
since 2022 Member of the Graz Old Town Expert Commission (ASVK) – Province of Styria
since 2021 Associate member of the DFG Priority Programme 2255 Cultural Heritage Construction
since 2020 Associate member of the DFG Network Building Research for Recent Building Stocks (nbjb 1945+)
2016 – 2018 National Representative at the COST Action TU1306 ‘CyberParks: Fostering Knowledge about the Relationship between Information and Communication Technologies and Public Spaces
2014 Foundation of ARGE WohnFühler Ges.b.R. for the development of component-supporting sensors for long-term monitoring of existing buildings
Since 2013 Member of the Research Society Modernity/Postmodernity (FoMoP) at the University of Graz
Denk!mal Zukunft: International symposium on the future handling of historical architecture: Cooperation of the Research Centre for Art History Styria at the University of Graz and the Institute for Urban and Architectural History at the Graz University of Technology; Graz 05–07.10.2011 [organisation and scientific support]
Workshop: Data models and digital methods of archiving: Institute for Structural Design at the Graz University of Technology, 09.10.2014 [organisation and moderation]
VO Denkmalpflege [2,0]: SS 2018
VO Architekturgeschichte [2,0]: WS 2017/18, WS 2018/19
VO Architekturgeschichte 2 [1,0]: WS 2016/17
VO Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte der Moderne [0,5]: WSS. 2017/18
VU Architekturgeschichte 1 [0,67]: SS 2013
PÜ Studioprojekt ‚velodromo‘ Treviso am Institut für Tragwerksentwurf [1,0]: WS 2016/17
SE Analyse historischer Architektur [2,0]: SS 2013, SS 2014, SS 2015, SS 2016, SS 2017, SS 2018
SE Bauaufmaß und Objektforschung [2,0]: SS 2014, SE [2,0] als gebundenes Wahlfach zur Projektübung (Institut für Gebäudelehre): SS 2015
SE Architekturgeschichte [2.0]: WS 2013/14, WS 2014/15, WS 2016/17, SE [2,0] als gebundenes Wahlfach zur Projektübung (Institut für Gebäudelehre): WS 2017/18
SE Bauforschung und Bauaufnahme [3,0]: SS 2018, gebundenes Wahlfach zur Projektübung am Institut für Gebäudelehre: WS 2014/15, WS 2015/16, SS 2017
UE Aktuelle Tendenzen Praktische Denkmalpflege [2,0]: WS 2013/14, WS 2016/17, gebundenes Wahlfach zur Projektübung am Institut für Gebäudelehre: WS 2017/18
The Normative Legacy of the Fascist Regime in Italy’s Postwar Architecture Crises, challenges, innovations, CRINI & University of Nantes (Nantes, 22 – 24 June 2022)
Methodologische Ansätze der Deskriptiven Planungsethik. Die Wiedervereinigung von Ideologie und Architektur in der Architekturgeschichtsforschung Forschungskolloquium des Arbeitsbereichs Baugeschichte und Denkmalpflege (bg+d), Universität Innsbruck (online, 19. Jänner 2022)
Agents and Mechanisms in Architectural Institutions and Media: For a new Italian Identity in Trentino and South Tyrol since 1922 mit Sophie Elaine Wolf, Colloque de recherche del la Faculté des Langues et Cultures Étrangères (FLCE), Nantes Université (online, 03. Dezember 2021)
Monumentality in modern construction processes. An ideological exposure of totalitarian strategies
7ICCH – Seventh International Congress on Construction History, Universidade de Lisboa (online, 12. – 16. Juli 2021)
Appropriation Strategies of Italy in South Tyrol and Trentino of the 20s and 30s Modernity and Postmodernity in Central and Southeastern Europe, Forschungsgesellschaft Moderne/Postmoderne & der University of Zadar (Zadar, 2. – 3. Mai 2019)
Hybrid Heritage. Multinationale Lösungen in der Denkmalpflege als Chance zur europäischen Integration Renationalisierung oder Sharing Heritage? Wo steht die Denkmalpflege im europäischen Kulturerbejahr 2018?, Arbeitskreis Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e. V., ICOMOS Estland & Estonian Academy of Arts (Tallinn, 3. – 5. November 2018)
Hybrid Heritage Gastvortrag auf Einladung von Prof. Maruša Zorec (Univerza v Ljubljani, 18. April 2018)
The Principle of Geotagging. Cross-linking archival sources with people and the city through digital urban places ICiTy | Enhancing places through technology, L’Università ta’ Malta & COST Action TU 1306 ‘CyberParks’ (Valletta, 18. – 19. April 2016)
Renaissance Architecture – A Digital Anthology of Heinrich von Geymüller 2nd DHA (Digital Humanities Austria) Conference – dha2015, The Austrian Center of Digital Humanities ACDH (Vienna, 30. November – 02. Dezember 2015)
RoomBook2.0: Bring back the information to its place, International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Places and Technologies 2014, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture & Professional Association Urban Laboratory (Belgrade, 03. – 04. April 2014)
Schloss Thinnfeld: Zwischen Plan und Wirklichkeit, Symposium Sein und Schein. Gesellschaftliche Bedeutung Barocker Programmatik, Forschungsstelle Kunstgeschichte Steiermark & Historischen Landeskommission Steiermark (Schloss Thinnfeld/Deutschfeistritz, 19. Juni 2013)
Wiederaufbau: Rekonstruktion oder Neubau? Workshop Post/Moderne Ambivalenzen und Polaritäten in Zentraleuropa und der Vojvodina, Forschungsgesellschaft Moderne/Postmoderne, Philosophische Fakultät der Universität Novi Sad & Österreich-Bibliothek Novi Sad (Novi Sad, 02. – 06. April 2013)
Denkmalpflege und Partizipation: Konfliktpotenziale im Ringen um eine kollektive Identität, Interdisziplinäre Tagung Konflikt, Streit, Dissens: Störfall Kunst, Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft SIK-ISEA (Zürich, 8.–9. November 2012)
Architektonische Rekonstruktion als Baukunst? Über das Wiederfinden von historischen Wirklichkeiten in Südosteuropa, Cultural memory and the arts in/on Southeast Europe, Instituts für Geschichte der Südosteuropäischen Geschichte und Anthropologie & Institut für Musikwissenschaft an der Universität (Graz, 24. – 25. Mai 2012)
* peer reviewed
Publication |
Christoph Breser, The normative legacy of fascist building culture in Italy, in: Dahm, Johannes (u.a.) [ed.]: Patrimonialisation en tension (Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference Crises, challenges, innovations, by CRINI and the Department of Applied Foreign Languages and International Business at the University of Nantes, Nantes, (tentative publication date: 2023). |
Christoph Breser, Monumentality in modern construction processes. An ideological exposure of totalitarian strategies, in: Mascarenhas-Mateus, João (u.a.): History of Construction Cultures (Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress on Construction History (7ICCH), Lisbon, 12–16 JULY 2021, Vol. II., pp. 530–536. |
Christoph Breser, Die Neue Universität am Innrain. Schnittstelle gesellschaftlicher, wissenschaftlicher und architektonischer Modernisierungen, in: Tragbar, Klaus: Die Topographie des Wissens. Eine kleine Stadtbaugeschichte der Universität Innsbruck, Innsbruck: innsbruck university press 2019 (IUP), pp. 113–141. |
Christoph Breser, Hybrides Bauerbe. Ein Plädoyer für transnationale Wechselperspektiven, in: Herold, Stephanie et. al.: Renationalisierung oder Sharing Heritage. Wo steht die Denkmalpflege im Europäischen Kulturerbejahr 2018? (=Veröffentlichungen des Arbeitskreises Theorie und Lehre der Denkmalpflege e.V., Band 28; Verlag Jörg Mitzkat) Holzminden 2019, p. 132–137. |
Christoph Breser, Heterotopic landscapes. From Green Parks to Hybrid Territories (Co-Autor), in: Smaniotto Costa, Carlos et. al.: The Interface Between People, Places and Technology. New Approaches and Perspectives. Cham: Springer International Publishing (= Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11380), Heidelberg: 2019, pp. 14–24. |
Christoph Breser, Architektur-Thesaurus aus dem 19. Jahrhundert als Web-App. Renaissance Architecture – A Digital Anthology of Heinrich von Geymüller (Co-Autor), in: Go!Digital. Förderung exzellenter Forschung in den Digital Humanities (Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften), Wien 2018, pp. 16–17. |
Christoph Breser, Jože Plečnik und die prägende Entwicklung Ljubljanas, in: Institut für Gebäudelehre, TU Graz (Hg.): Tanzquartier Ljubljana. Dokumentation der Lehrveranstaltung Masterstudio im Wintersemester 2018/19, Graz 2018, p. 15. |
Christoph Breser, The Principle of Geotagging – Cross-linking archival sources with people and the city through digital urban places, in: Zammit, A. & Kenna, T. (Hg.): Enhancing Places through Technology, (Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Educação e Desenvolvimento CeiED/Universidade Lusófona), Lisboa 2017, pp. 205–221. |
Christoph Breser, Das Hammerherrenhaus in Deutschfeistritz – Schloss Thinnfeld. Zwischen Plan und Wirklichkeit, in: Klein, Eva; Stadlober, Margit; Steinklauber, Ulla (Hg.): Schloss Thinnfeld. Ein Gesamtkunstwerk des 18. Jahrhunderts, Graz 2015, pp. 138–147. |
Christoph Breser, Roombook 2.0 – Bring back the information to its place (Co-Autor), in: Lazarevic, Eva Vaništa (u.a.) [Edit.]: Places and Technologies 2014. Proceedings of first international academic conference on places and technologies, Belgrad 2014, pp. 926–935. |
Christoph Breser, Die historischen Architekturen im Botanischen Garten der Universität Graz (Co-Autor) In: Ster, Thomas: Garten des Wissens. 200 Jahre Botanischer Garten Graz (Allgemeine wissenschaftliche Reihe/ Karl-Franzens Universität Graz; 19), Graz 2011, pp. 138–147. |