Körnermarkt 13
3500 Krems an der Donau
+ 43 662-8044-4982
I am a historian with a strong interest in medievalisms. This medievalist approach also plays a significant role in my field of research, historical game studies, where medievalism appear in countless and highly varied forms. I see this research as part of the Digital Humanities, which also guides my scholarly work at IMAREAL. Here, my focus is on data structures and the potential uses of digital and digitized sources and data in general.
Currently, my research delves into magic in digital games and the power dynamics this theme introduces within the medium. Additionally, I explore the complex interplay between virtual worlds and material culture. In my teaching, I am also dedicated to game studies as part of the Digital Humanities and to the potential unique data structures may offer for research and public history.
Since 2023: Research assistant at the Institute for Realienkunde
Since 2022: Member of the DFG Network Open Middle Ages
Since 2021: PhD student at the DSP-Kolleg Interdisziplinäre Erforschung historischer Kultur (University of Salzburg)
Since 2019: Member and part of the steering committee of the working group Historical Studies and Digital Games
Since 2018: part-time management of a content marketing agency together with Stefan Schwaiger
Since 2012: freelance technical consultant
2022 – 2023: Research assistant at the Middle High German Term Database (MHDBDB, University of Salzburg)
2012 – 2021: Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in History (University of Salzburg)
2005 – 2009: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science (University of Salzburg)
Summer term 2023
KO Ausgewählte Tools und Methoden der Digital Humanities
Summer term 2021
SE Game Studies: Mehr als nur Spiele. (Studiengang Digitale Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaft des Instituts für Kunstgeschichte der FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Winter term 2020/21
Thesis Project: Bloodmagic in digital Games
* peer reviewed
Publications |
Peter Färberböck, Rezension: Hansjrg Rabanser, Der Lauterfresser. Der Hexenprozess gegen Matthäus Perger in Rodeneck und seine Rezeption, Innsbruck 2018, in: Tiroler Heimat 86 (2022). |
Publication |
Publication |
Aurelia Brandenburg, Peter Färberböck (Hg.), Gender und Queerness in digitalen Spielen, Herbst 2022, online unter: PAIDIA, https://www.paidia.de/sonderausgaben/sonderausgabe-playhisstory/, zuletzt aufgerufen am: 10.05.2023. |