Körnermarkt 13
3500 Krems an der Donau
+39 340 1388 506
marianne.moedlinger@plus.ac.at | marianne.moedlinger@gmail.com
Private Homepage: www.mmoedlinger.eu
Twitter: @GAPAMET
Project @ IMAREAL: https://gates-to-paradise.com/
Database: https://gapamet.imareal.sbg.ac.at/en/
I am an archaeologist and materials scientist. My research focuses on the Bronze Age and the Middle Ages in Europe. In terms of materials, I focus on the analysis of copper alloys.
My research interests lie in the production and utilisation of copper alloy objects, with a particular focus on the individual work steps involved and the factors that influence them. At IMAREAL, I am currently leading an interdisciplinary project, entitled Gates to Paradise: Creating Metal Doors for 11th-12th Century Churches. As part of this project, a photographic survey of the bronze doors is being carried out, as well as material-technological investigations of them. The aim of these investigations is to gain a deeper understanding of the relationship between the materials used and the iconography and artists involved in their production.
03/2024 ArchLab: mittelalterliche Bronzetüren Italiens (IPERION-HS, H2020)
2022 – 2024 Materialanalysen mittelalterlicher Bronzetüren Europas (FWF)
03/2022 Molab: Die Bronzetüren von San Marco, Venedig (E-RIHS)
01/ 2024 Documentation and analyses of 11th-12th century European bronze and brass doors, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Metalúrgicas (CENIM – CSIC), Madrid, Spain
11/2023 Türen ins Paradies: Studien zur Herstellung von Bronze- und Messingtüren im 11.-12. Jahrhundert. Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Archäologien, Innsbruck, Austria
11/2023 Bronzetüren des 11.-12. Jahrhunderts in Europa: Dokumentation, Analyse und Auswertung, Universität Salzburg, IMAREAL, Krems a.d. Donau, Austria
08/2024 Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Rome, Italy.
Documentation and analyses of 11th-12th century bronze and brass doors (together with M. Fera, J. Utz, G. Ghiara)
06/2024 6th International Conference Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Falun, Sweden.
Doors to Paradise: the manufacture of bronze and brass doors from the 11th-12th century (together with M. Fera, J. Utz, G. Ghiara)
02/2024 Studien zur Herstellung von Bronze- und Messingtüren im 11.-12. Jahrhundert
1. Fachseminar “Historisches trifft Materialkunde", Quedlinburg, Germany
09/2023 Workshop “Gates to Paradise. Medieval Bronze Doors and Their Making", 25-26 September 2023, Verona, Italy. (Preliminary results of the chemical analyses of bronze doors from the 11th-12th century (co-author: G. Ghiara)
09/2023 Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Belfast, Northern Ireland. (How does archaeological expertise support the antiquities market?)
09/2023 Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
(A database of European Bronze Age body armour)
07/2023 International Congress on the Study of the Middle Ages, Leeds, United Kingdom. Session: Linking medieval bronze doors: making, sensing, documentation
08/2024 Annual meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists, Rome, Italy. Session: Making the Most of What We’ve Got: Activating Museum Collections, Monuments and Built Heritage (together with: B. Ebert, D. Mooney, H. Hollund, J. Walser)
09/2023 Conference: Gates to Paradise. Medieval Bronze Doors and Their Making, 25-26 September 2023, San Zeno, Verona, Italy
Publication |
Marianne Mödlinger, Mauro Bernabei, Jarno Bontadi, Marco Fellin, Martin Fera, Giorgia Ghiara, Martino Negri, Judith Utz, Multidisciplinary Analyses on the 11th -12th century Bronze Doors of San Marco, Venice 2023, in: PLoS ONE 18(7): e0288094. |
Serhii Makhortykh, Marianne Mödlinger, Judith Utz, The 12th century Magdeburg bronze doors in Novgorod: an overview of Russian research, in: Kunstgeschichte: E-Journal 2023:605. |
Marianne Mödlinger, Jarno Bontadi, Marco Fellin, Martin Fera, Martino Negri, Judith Utz, Giorgia Ghiara. The medieval Bronze Doors of San Zeno, Verona: combining material analyses and art history, Heritage Science 12, 26, 2024. doi: 10.1186/s40494-024-01143-2 |
Serhii Makhortykh, Marianne Mödlinger, Judith Utz, The Byzantine Doors of the St Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, Russia, Concilium medii aevi (CMA) 25, 2023, 25–45. |