Material Worlds – The virtual Salon at IMAREAL
In October 2021, IMAREAL launched the lecture series “Material Worlds”, a virtual salon as an interdisciplinary communication platform on current research approaches in the field of material culture. The series will continue in an online format “after Corona”. This will allow participants to meet regularly, even if they are located in different places.
The virtual salon is intended to provide a platform for discussion in as pleasant an atmosphere as possible. Participation and contributions are strongly encouraged! Depending on your interests and time available, you can choose how to participate and how long to spend in the Salon – even with a glass of wine next to your laptop.
07 May 2025 Anne Mariss (University of Regensburg) „Staub, Erde, Sand: Reliquienkästchen aus dem Heiligen Land“.
12 November 2025 Joanna Olchawa (University of München) „Sound Art History und die materielle Dimension des Klangs: Der Ambo in Aachen“.
Material Worlds XV:
Susanne Knaeble (University of Bayreuth) Virtuelles Reisen mit Felix Fabri – eine Pilgerreise nach Jerusalem im Geiste. 15 January 2025.
Material Worlds XIV:
Daniela Urbanová (Masaryk University) „Contra fraudem callidi diaboli“ – ein gefaltetes mittelalterliches Bleiamulett mit lateinischer Inschrift aus Zentralböhmen”. 04 December 2024.
Material Worlds XIII:
Jitske Jasperse (Spanish National Research Council, Madrid) Seal Bags and Relic: The Case of Thomas Becket. 06 November 2024.
Material Worlds XII:
Henrike Haug (University of Cologne) Material als Mit- und Gegenspieler in mittelalterlichen Heiligenviten. 05 June 2024.
Material Worlds XI:
Aska Mayer (University of Tampere) Sensory Cybernetic Interaction. 10 April 2024
Material Worlds X:
Laura Jacobus (University of London) Fictive Materiality and Real Presence in the Arena Chapel, Padua. 10 January 2024.
Material Worlds IX:
Marianne Mödlinger (IMAREAL) Bronzetüren des 11.-12. Jahrhunderts in Europa: Dokumentation, Analyse und Auswertung. 29 November 2023.
Material Worlds VIII:
Johannes Deibl (Stift Melk) „Liber pulcherrimus“: Eine Reflexion über Materialität und Klosterbibliothek am Beispiel von Stift Melk”. 07 June 2023.
Material Worlds VII:
Jakub Sawicki (Institute of Archaeology/ Department of Historical Archaeology, Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague) United Europe of Medieval Small Finds: Production and consumption of late medieval dress accessories. 26 April 2023.
Material Worlds VI:
Judith Utz (Imareal) Das Material als Medium: Exultet-Rollen und multisensoriale Wahrnehmung in der Osterliturgie. 18 January 2023.
Material Worlds V:
Katherine Wilson (Chester University) Telling Stories from Medieval Objects: The Mobility of Objects across Boundaries. 9 November 2022.
Material Worlds IV:
Daniel L. Smail (Harvard University) Household Containers and Their Uses: Marseille and Lucca, 1250-1450. 8 June 2022.
Material Worlds III:
Bettina Bildhauer (University of St. Andrews) Die intra-aktive Wahrnehmung glänzender Dinge im ‚Herzog Ernst‘ und in ‚Salman und Morolf‘: Ästhetik, Erotik und Materialität der Oberfläche. 27 April 2022.
Material Worlds II:
Rainer Atzbach (University of Aarhus) Aristokratischer Wertstoffhof: eine spätmittelalterliche Burg in Dänemark als Paradoxon. 10 November 2021.
Material Worlds I:
Aden Kumler (University of Basel) The curious case of the wax lamb: what were medieval agni dei? 13 October 2021.